Sunday, December 2, 2007

Storm Trooper

OK, I got an easier way to make the tutorials, more precice. I hope It's easier to follow.

Here's the Storm Trooper tutorial.

FACE: 4th row, 2nd collum-pailest

Facial Features: 2nd row, 3rd collum

Hair: 3rd page, 4th rom 1st collum

Eyebrows: 2nd page 1st row 2nd collum-tilt down 2-big 3-up 5

Eyes: 2nd page, 3rd row, 2nd collum - apart 3 times - bigger once, up once

Nose: 1st row, 3rd collum - down 8 - bigger twice

Mouth: 2nd page, 4th row, 1st collum - bigger x 3 - up 1-3 times

Mole: over 6 - down 4 - bigger twice

Fave colour: white

Height: about 90-95 %

Weight: about 20-30 %

I hope that one was easier for you.

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